Crossroads Community Church, Waukesha, Wisconsin

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Click on the title below to see the sermon for that Sunday.

Out of a Thundercloud - Dr. Elwyn Zimmerman

Dare to Be a Daniel - Dr. Elwyn Zimmerman

Enter the Great Door! - Dr. Elwyn Zimmerman

A Voice From the Fire - Dr. Elwyn Zimmerman

Chariots of Fire to the Rescue - Dr. Elwyn Zimmerman

Seeing Jesus - Dr. Elwyn Zimmerman

The Man Between - Dr. Elwyn Zimmerman

Gaining a Sense of Direction in Life - Dr. Elwyn Zimmerman

The Three Loves of the Christian - Dr. Elwyn Zimmerman

Motherhood - Dr. Elwyn Zimmerman

Drastic Discipleship - Dr. Elwyn Zimmerman

The Continuing Ministry of the Christ - Dr. Elwyn Zimmerman

The Resurrection of the Christ - Dr. Elwyn Zimmerman

Palm Branches, Coats, ...and Faces - Dr. Elwyn Zimmerman

The Suffering of the Christ - Dr. Elwyn Zimmerman

The Judgment of the Christ: Jesus Trial Before Pilate - Dr. Elwyn Zimmerman

The Last Miracle of Jesus - Dr. Elwyn Zimmerman

Gaining the Correct Perspective on Life - Dr. Elwyn Zimmerman