Seeing Jesus
I. Objections to the doctrine of the atonement
A. That it is unjust for one person to be sacrificed for another (Heb. 2:9b "He might taste death for everyone")
B. That it contradicts the Biblical idea of a loving God
C. That the atonement is unnecessary
1. Because sin is not the result of moral choice, but the unfortunate result of heredity and circumstances.
2. Because, If God is a God of love and mercy, forgiveness can occur without punishment.
II. Wrong understandings of the doctrine of atonement.
A. That the result is cheap grace (Rom. 5:20-6:2, 6:11-12)
B. Universalism (Heb. 2:9b "He might taste death for everyone")
III. Why the doctrine of atonement is important
A. It reveals the seriousness of sin (Heb2:2)
B. It provides the assurance of forgiveness (Heb. 2:3 "This salvation was confirmed to us...")
C. It reveals God’s love for Man (Rom. 5:8)
D. It Brings us to love Him in return (1 Jn. 4:19)
IV. Seeing Jesus
A. We do not yet see the fulfillment of God’s salvation (Heb. 2:8)
B. But we do see Jesus the author of our salvation (Heb. 2:9)